Crème Brûlée \\ 54
Labaneh and honey ice cream, anise-thyme
cookie crumbs and seasonal fruit \\ 48
Chocolate cake with Crème anglaise \\ 48
Basque Cheesecake \\ 48
Seasonal fruit salad, mint-lemon grass and verbana sauce and Hibiscus granita \\ 62
Sorbet in three flavors \\ 42
From the bar
Affogato, Amaretto, pistachio \\ 32
Grapefruit sorbet, Alternativo Vermouth,
Splash of Arak \\ 32
Dessert and Port style wines
Pomegranate dessert wine,
Rimon winery, Israel \\ 25
Gewurztraminer, “HeightsWine” 21',
Yarden, Israel \\ 29
"Portawny '16 ", Naaman, Israel \\ 36
Touriga, Chateau Golan, Israel \\ 42
Espresso Martini \\ 54
Julius Blanc \ Marc de Galilee \\ 36
Julius Bitters \\ 40
Julius brandy 7 \\ 70
Jewish Pirates coffee rum \\ 40
Golani honey whiskey \\ 36
Larger variety of digestif can be found
on our full alcohol menu